Friday 3 September 2010

Kyoto in Spring 2

It has again been months since my last post. A season has changed actually and it is Summer now. I've been meaning to post and give a link to a second Spring in Kyoto album with photos, but I have failed to do so until now. I am meanwhile compiling and uploading a Summer in Kyoto album which hopefully I will post not after months but sooner, although frankly I haven't done much visiting of temples and taking pictures for the past 3 or so months...I had plans to visit (and re-visit) gardens and temples but I didn't make it happen...The weather has been horrid actually, first a rainy season in July, followed by stiffling heat in August...I completely failed to see the gardens with the July blooming hydrangea, wisteria and irises. I meant to, even planned it, but for many reasons failed to make it happen...So unfortunatelly part of the seasonal beauty of Kyoto in Summer has not been "documented" in pictures... 

So until I compile the album of the current season (i.e. Summer), meanwhile here is a link to a somewhat belated Spring in Kyoto continued web album...
Again the photos are taken with my mobile phone's camera (I'm doing more or less the same pictures with my film camera of course, and one day they may also see the light in a future photo exhibition perhaps...), so the image quality is not good and the limitations of the very simple camera of the phone (no zoom or anything actually...) are not giving much more than an idea...
But that's what these photos are meant as really, ideas, feelings, angles as I see them...
Hopefully they can still carry a bit of the feeling I have of Kyoto.

So here is the link:
Spring in Kyoto 2

As always comments and feedback are most welcome...