Sunday 25 September 2011

Bjork song "Moon"

It has been quite a long time since I posted anything at all...
Today, it was impossible not to share this song and video despite me being terribly busy...
I heard this song and saw the video for the first time today morning and have been playing it all day long. The beauty of the upcoming new Bjork album "Biophilia"'s songs which I already heard is just indescribable...It's immense...It's staggeringly intimate. It's magnificent. Each song touches me so deeply and profoundly.
This woman has such incredibly talent. I admire her greatly.
I don't know if I would like her as a person, but her work is incredibly inspiring to me. Each day.
I cannot wait to hear the whole album.
It obviously is going to become one of the albums of Bjork that I will be constantly playing. (i.e. most of them) For months and years...

Meanwhile I went back home to Europe in August for a little more than a month.
On the last day, just as I was packing my suitcase, a 10 year sort of a "ritual" which my mom always joins and we think about what can be taken and what left behind (it is incredibly hard to pack for a year and take all the things that seem important...) and I always listen to music, and as it happens it is always an album of Bjork that plays when I pack...This time, my mom observed " I wonder if this woman (i.e.meaning Bjork) knows how much you play her music and how much you like it, all those years"...
Indeed, that's true.

But I listen to Bjork all the time, not just when I'm packing for a year-long journey, actually...
It has been true for more than a decade. Almost 15 years perhaps.
Her songs are so close, so intimate to what I feel...Some of them speak of experiences and emotions that are so familiar, as if the same...As if she describes what I feel, how I feel...
And even when it doesn't, it is still familiar, as if another me, has experienced or will experience it...

And this new album "Biophilia" (i.e."Love of Nature"). It already promises so much...
It goes out in a couple of weeks.

Here is the song, called "Moon":

...Best way to start-a-new
Is to fail miserably
Fail at loving
And fail at giving...