Thursday 16 June 2011

Second Summer in Kyoto (photo album)

The newest and most recent of my photos taken in June...

Direct link to the photo album:

Second Summer in Kyoto

By the way. It's my birthday today...

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Sunday 5 June 2011

The Sakura Path (Photo Album)

This album mainly contains photos I took on a beautiful Spring afternoon in April (April 14th) walking the Path of Philosophy at the time when sakura (cherry blossoms) were at their peak...
I was just back from Europe and the sakura (cherry blossoms) were already at their peak, but I was too busy and had too many worries on my mind to be able to steal more time than this afternoon.

And as cherry blossoms are so famous for being short-lived, very soon they were gone...
The Path of Philosophy is one of the famous spots for viewing sakura, and of course as I expected therewere many people, but not as many as to make it altogether unpleasant and in the soft afternoon light I felt joy and happiness in my solitary enjoyment of the sakura's shortlived beauty...

Link to the Picassa album:

The Sakura Path

Second Spring in Kyoto ONE (photo album)

These photos are the taken just on the brink of Winter and Spring...The branches of the trees are still bare and leafless, the sakura (cherry blossoms have not yet bloomed), only the plum blossoms have bloomed, the first sign of Spring and Nature waking up from the Winter slumber for life again...There is a warmth in the air and the sunrays are different...A new Spring is coming. My second in Kyoto...

link to the album on Picassa:
Second Spring in Kyoto ONE

Slideshow of some of my selected photos from Kyoto

Direct link to the Picassa Album:

P.S. This album is going to be updated.