Sunday 22 May 2011

A Song: The Garden

One of the songs I love the most...And a song that especially resonates with my live here in Kyoto, where the only really meaningfully positive things that are happening and are precious and valuable, and give me joy, are my visits to some of the many gardens of Buddhist temples.
I visit some of them very often, and have seen them in every season.
In solitude.

The lyrics of the song (and the video) appear simple and very austere, but I think that this song is immense in meaning, deep, powerful and while using so few words, in fact the things it says are so many...
Like a Japanese Zen garden.

"The Garden" video

"The Garden" lyrics:

You will find me if you want me in the garden
unless it's pouring down with rain
You will find me if you want me in the garden
unless it's pouring down with rain
You will find me if you want me in the garden
unless it's pouring down with rain
You will find me if you want me in the garden
unless it's pouring down with rain

You will find me waiting through spring and summer
You will find me waiting waiting for the fall
You will find me waiting for the apples to riped
You will find me waiting for them to fall
You will find me by the banks of all four rivers
You will find me at the spring of consciousness

You will find me if you want me in the garden
unless it's pouring down with rain
You will find me if you want me in the garden
unless it's pouring down with rain
You will find me if you want me in the garden
unless it's pouring down with rain
You will find me if you want me in the garden
unless it's pouring down with rain

Einstürzende Neubauten

Thursday 19 May 2011

A Song : Blume (Japanese version)

Recently I made a channel on Youtube - The Salamandrina's channel, where I put the videos and songs I like...
go to:

One might think I have too much time on my hands if I'm starting a new blog or making a channel. In fact I have no time at all. It is just a way to keep myself sane and satisfy (or rather cheat myself that it works) a need to share...This is not of course satisfying at all, as there is usually zero feedback, and it is not really alleviating my solitude even by little, but the need to speak, ah, the need to say, to share is too big...
But, I'm afraid, it's either this, or I start talking to trees soon...

Anyway, here is a song featured there on my Youtube channel, by Einsturzende Neubauten, called "Blume" (i.e. flower)...
Needless to say, the song is amazing, beautiful and I like the Japanese version perhaps the most...
So here it is.

Blume (English version) lyrics:

Chrysantemum For you I am a chrysantemum
Supernova, urgent star

Astera Compositae For you I'll be a dandelion
a thousand flowerettes in the sky
Or just a drop in the ocean

If you know my name
don't speak it out
it holds a power - as before

Liliacea A lily of the valley
a flower of saron

Helianthus annus For you I even be a sunflower
Do you hear my enlightening laughter?
another reason to cut off an ear

You know my name, do you not?
don't say it
For it's a sacred, immovable - frozen

Rosa, Anemone et
Nymphea alba
I'll even be a waterlily,
a marygold, a rose
or a little thistle

Euphorbiaa blue dahlia, a black tulip
that's where opinions differ
the scholars disagree

My name, should you know it
remains unspeakable
and it's spoken - malediction

Wednesday 18 May 2011


Without doubt, Shisendo Temple is my most favourite place in Kyoto. A small tranquil, rustic temple dedicated to Classical Chinese poetry with Zen gardens.
Below link (and video) consist of photos I have taken in different seasons and on different visits to Shisendo. I often joke (not actually joking) saying that this is the place I wish to retire later in my life and live a modest, secluded and simple life as a garden sweeper, doing some ticket selling and dead leaves gathering...And watch the garden just at sunset, when the tourists have just left it peaceful and tranquil...

Link to photo Web album on Picassa:

This is my first attempt at making a video, quite far from perfect, but still hopefully not too bad.
The video is a selection of my Summer, Autumn and Winter photos taken at Shisendo fitted to a koto and flute tune called "沙羅の花"("Camellia flower") from CD 池上眞吾.

Go to see the video on Youtube

Shisen-do (The House of the Immortal Poets) temple, is a former hermitage of a man of taste and ex-samurai Ishikawa Jozan (1583-1672). It belongs to the Soto Zen Buddhist sect.
In the year 1641 Jozan built a cottage named Ohtotsu-ka (uneven nest) to spend a secluded life. He displayed poems and portraits of 36 Chinese ancient poets in one of the temples rooms, that is called Shisen-no-ma (The Room of the Immortal Poets) . This is the reason why this temple is called Shisen-do.
Among them are my favourite Chinese poets, as among them Tao Yuanming (Tao Qian) is the one I admire and like the most.

For those of you who know me, it is quite obvious why I like this place so much...

Ohara in Winter

Ohara is without doubt one of the places which (while still not exactly in Kyoto) I like very much here and I have visited already half a dozen times already. Half an hour with a bus from Demachiyanagi, taking the road along Takano river, going north in the mountains, and passing the skirts of Mount Hiei (the famous and important Buddhist mountain) after some winding turns on a mountain road, one arrives at the rural town of Ohara.

Just when I thought that the winter is gone and there is no more chance of any snow, on March 2nd and 3rd, in the northern parts of Kyoto it snowed, and while the snow didn't last and melted the same day it was still substantial enough to enjoy for a few hours...

Most of the time I was completely alone in the temples and had a chance to look at the gardens in solitude and take many photos of course...
I felt pure joy as the winter scenery (which I have become to know very well, as I have visited the temples of Ohara quite many times), is very charming and as there were practically no other visitors, I had this otherwise popular place just to myself... I practically had a big grin on my face the whole day I spend there. Taking photos, enjoying the solitude, the snow and the quiet contemplation of the scenery...

Ohara in Winter
Link to the photo album:

P.S. I have become a bit sloppy at the selection and arrangement of the last photo albums...No time and no motivation being the cause of my lack of diligence...

Kyoto in Winter TWO

Winter photos without snow are to be sure not very great, and I think this second winter album will appear not so interesting, but still, an unexpected surprise of snow fell in March and I hurried to catch it in the northern mountainous Ohara before it melts...(See post Ohara in Winter)

Here are images from my second winter in Kyoto.

Link to photo album:
Kyoto in Winter TWO

 Photos: 1st: Takano river (2 minutes away from my apartment and my favourite place for taking a walk.

2nd: A cabbage-like plant that was everywhere around new year's.

3rd: The "borrowed scenery" Entsuji 円通寺 temple's garden...
It is best known for its use of shakkei, the Japanese landscape design technique of "borrowing" and incorporating a view into the garden you are creating. In the case of Entsuji, the borrowed view is that of Mt. Hiei, which looms in the distance and is perfectly positioned in the view from the temple veranda.
Unfortunately the day was not so clear, so the "borrowed" view of mount Hiei is not very visible here...