Wednesday 18 May 2011

Kyoto in Winter TWO

Winter photos without snow are to be sure not very great, and I think this second winter album will appear not so interesting, but still, an unexpected surprise of snow fell in March and I hurried to catch it in the northern mountainous Ohara before it melts...(See post Ohara in Winter)

Here are images from my second winter in Kyoto.

Link to photo album:
Kyoto in Winter TWO

 Photos: 1st: Takano river (2 minutes away from my apartment and my favourite place for taking a walk.

2nd: A cabbage-like plant that was everywhere around new year's.

3rd: The "borrowed scenery" Entsuji 円通寺 temple's garden...
It is best known for its use of shakkei, the Japanese landscape design technique of "borrowing" and incorporating a view into the garden you are creating. In the case of Entsuji, the borrowed view is that of Mt. Hiei, which looms in the distance and is perfectly positioned in the view from the temple veranda.
Unfortunately the day was not so clear, so the "borrowed" view of mount Hiei is not very visible here...

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